標籤彙整: 隆乳


42 y/o , 168cm/ 55 kg, G0Po
5-6 yr history, SHA TAA Sub-M(op) , prior record unavailable, PM test: Pre-M

1. CC grade IV (short lower pole)
2. Sup. malposition
(1)Adequate PM release
(2)Dual-pane II with scoring
(3)Partial (ant.) capsulectomy with post. residual capsule cauterizing
(4)Motiva implant exchange







55 y/o , 152 cm/ 50 kg,
15 yr history,TAA ,textured saline implantàrupture following massage à
TAA & PA Sub-G textured round saline implant 220 cc (op, unknown brand)

Pre-Op :
1. CC Grade IV with double-bubble, bil
OP :
(1)Near-total capsulectomy
(2)L’t Breast : Smile IMF excision
(3)Motiva Implant exchange







36 y/o , 158 cm/ 45 kg, G0P0 
8 yr history, TAA sub-M, Allergan smooth saline 240cc

Pre-OP :
1. Breast & IMF asymmetry
2. Bil. CC II with superior malposition and downward nipples
3. Wide, fixed cleavage & Wrinkling, med & upper poles
Op :
(1)Neo-subpectoral pocket dissection
(2)Lower pole scoring
(3)Motiva implant exchange